Tutustu projektipartnereihin
Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego Nr 2 w Przemyślu is the official and legal name of a school complex which includes three different types of schools: Technikum Nr 2 – a technical secondary school for students aged 15-19; Liceum Ogólnokształcące dla Dorosłych – a general secondary school for adults and Szkoła Policealna dla Dorosłych – a post-secondary school. The school offers also vocational courses for beekeepers and computer programmers.
As a technical secondary school offers school education for students who are interested in obtaining vocational qualifications but are also willing to pass the Matura school-leaving exam and continue the education in college or at university. The students are being trained to become an economic technician, a trade technician, a landscape architecture technician or a computer programmer technician.
Adults who want to complete the secondary education. They can attend the full-time or extramural school. They learn the general subjects required to finish school, they can also take the Matura school-leaving exam.
The post-secondary school is for students who want to gain additional vocational qualifications after graduating from a secondary school. We offer courses for administrative personnel and IT technicians.
Our school struggles to provide the students with a lot of opportunities to combine their knowledge with practice in order to gain every kind of experience for them become successful in the future. They often take part in lectures and workshops at the local higher school, the East European State University (PWSP). The school also cooperates with the local bank branches, the tax office, the employment office and the local entrepreneurs, whose representatives often visit our school to familiarize students with new concepts and solutions. The students also have the chance to hold their obligatory professional internships in those places. Furthermore, training courses, excursions and study trips are organised which contribute to gaining new skills and experiences.